Friday, September 29, 2006

chloe has arrived

Here is our jersey cow, she is so tame and so beautiful, I have already started to halter train her, and we have used AI to put her in calf. we have used a jersey bull from america so her calf should be nice. My husband and I are so happy to add her to our menagerie. this week has also been busy minding the grandchildren etc and getting the alpacas ready for the show season. this means putting in the dreaded ear tags, a job I hate but has to be done. Halter training the young ones is difficult because I have 5 to do, they dont mind the halters but dont get the idea of walking on a lead very well, but i will perservere and hopefully they will walk well in the show. hopefully we will get a few ribbons. bye for today mareeg
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Saturday, September 09, 2006

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Thursday, September 07, 2006

little Murphy our youngest cria (baby alpaca)

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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

alpacas in my piece of paradise

HI this is mareeg, I live in a little piece of paradise and have 17 alpacas, 2 sheep, ducks , chooks and 3 dogs and a small cockatiel that talks. next week we have a tame jersey cow arriving much to my husbands delight. I spin and weave(very basic) but I love doing it between babysitting the grandchildren and looking after all the animals.when I learn how i will add photos but this is new to me and i am not very good with computers but love having a go bye for now mareeg

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

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